Biography & Memoir

The Best Books About Benjamin Franklin

“What are the best books about Benjamin Franklin?” We looked at 90 of the top Franklin book and biographies, aggregating and ranking them so we could answer that very question!

The top 6 titles, all appearing on 2 or more “Best Benjamin Franklin” book lists, are ranked below by how many lists they appear on. The remaining 75+ titles, as well as the lists we used are in alphabetical order at the bottom of the page.

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Top 6 Books About Benjamin Franklin

6 .) A Dissertation on Liberty and Necessity, Pleasure and Pain by Benjamin Franklin

Lists It Appears On:

  • Ranker
  • Questia

“The 18th century was a wealth of knowledge, exploration and rapidly growing technology and expanding record-keeping made possible by advances in the printing press. In its determination to preserve the century of revolution, Gale initiated a revolution of its own: digitization of epic proportions to preserve these invaluable works in the largest archive of its kind. Now for the first time these high-quality digital copies of original 18th century manuscripts are available in print, making them highly accessible to libraries, undergraduate students, and independent scholars.
Western literary study flows out of eighteenth-century works by Alexander Pope, Daniel Defoe, Henry Fielding, Frances Burney, Denis Diderot, Johann Gottfried Herder, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, and others. Experience the birth of the modern novel, or compare the development of language using dictionaries and grammar discourses.”

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5 .) Benjamin Franklin: An American Life by Walter Isaacson

Lists It Appears On:

  • Jack Miller Center
  • Quora

Benjamin Franklin is the founding father who winks at us, the one who seems made of flesh rather than marble. In a sweeping narrative that follows Franklin’s life from Boston to Philadelphia to London and Paris and back, Walter Isaacson chronicles the adventures of the runaway apprentice who became, over the course of his eighty-four-year life, America’s best writer, inventor, media baron, scientist, diplomat, and business strategist, as well as one of its most practical and ingenious political leaders. He explores the wit behind Poor Richard’s Almanac and the wisdom behind the Declaration of Independence, the new nation’s alliance with France, the treaty that ended the Revolution, and the compromises that created a near-perfect Constitution.

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4 .) Benjamin Franklin’s The Art of Virtue: His Formula for Successful Living

Lists It Appears On:

  • Ranker
  • Owlcation

Benjamin Franklin’s The Art of Virtue consists of a collection of Franklin’s writings organized around his timeless philosophy on such topics as: goal setting and personal achievement, obtaining wealth and preserving health, human relations and family living, religion and morality, aging and dying, and much, much more.

Full of profound insights, delightful humor, quotable quotes, and plenty of common sense; The Art of Virtue provides wonderful reading for both young and old alike.

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3 .) Franklin: Writings

Lists It Appears On:

  • Ranker
  • Owlcation

Depicting Franklin as a controversial figure in his own time, this volume includes political, economic, and social pieces, scientific articles, opinions on education and religion, propaganda exercises drawn from “Silence Dogwood,” writings from the “Pennsylvania Gazette,” and “Poor Richard’s Almanack,” and letters

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2 .) Now and Ben by Gene Barretta

Lists It Appears On:

  • NY Times
  • Best Childrens Books

What would you do if you lived in a community without a library, hospital, post office, or fire department? If you were Benjamin Franklin, you’d set up these organizations yourself. Franklin also designed the lightning rod, suggested the idea of daylight savings time, and invented bifocals-all inspired by his common sense and intelligence. In this informative book, Gene Barretta brings Benjamin Franklin’s genius to life, deepening our appreciation for one of the most influential figures in American history.

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1 .) The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin by Benjamin Franklin

Lists It Appears On:

  • Questia
  • Patheos
  • Ranker
  • Owlcation
  • Jack Miller Center
  • Quora

“Written initially to guide his son, Benjamin Franklin’s autobiography is a lively, spellbinding account of his unique and eventful life, now a classic of world literature that is sure to inspire and delight readers everywhere.

Few men could compare to Benjamin Franklin. Virtually self-taught, he excelled as an athlete, a man of letters, a printer, a scientist, a wit, an inventor, an editor, and a writer, and he was probably the most successful diplomat in American history. David Hume hailed him as the first great philosopher and great man of letters in the New World.”

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The 75+ Additional Best Benjamin Franklin Biographies and Autobiographies


# Books Authors Lists
(Titles Appear On 1 List Each)
7 A Companion to Benjamin Franklin David Waldstreicher Questia
A Letter By Dr. Franklin To The Royal Academy Of Brussels
10 A letter from B. Franklin to a young man Ranker
A letter from Mr. Franklin to Mr. Peter Collinson, F.R.S. concerning the effect of lightning ; A letter of Benjamin Franklin, Esq. to Mr. Peter Collinson, F.R.S. concerning an electrical kite
12 A letter of advice to a young man concerning marriage Ranker
13 A parable Ranker
14 Address Ranker
15 Amazing Ben Franklin Inventions You Build Yourself Carmella Van Vleet
Best Childrens Books
16 America A Concise History Ranker
17 America’s Big Ben Ranker
18 Anais Nin Ranker
19 Apology for printers Ranker
20 Articles of belief Ranker
21 Articles Of Belief And Acts Of Religion Vol.2 Ranker
22 Autobiography Ranker
23 Autobiography, Poor Richard, and later writings Ranker
Automatic Wealth: The Secrets of the Millionaire Mind–Including
25 Avis nécessaire à ceux qui veulent devenir riche Ranker
26 B. Franklin, innovator Ranker
27 Ben and Me
Best Childrens Books
28 Ben Franklin and the Magic Squares Frank Murphy
Best Childrens Books
29 Ben Franklin of Old Philadephia Margaret Cousins
Best Childrens Books
30 Ben Franklin, American Genius
Best Childrens Books
31 Ben Franklin, His Wit and Wisdom from A to Z Alan Schroeder
Best Childrens Books
32 Ben Franklin’s Almanac
Best Childrens Books
33 Ben Franklin’s Fame Stacia Deutch
Best Childrens Books
34 Benjamin Franklin Carl Van Doren Patheos
35 Benjamin Franklin Edmund S. Morgan
Jack Miller Center
36 Benjamin Franklin John Bach McMaster Questia
37 Benjamin Franklin Ralph L. Ketcham Questia
38 Benjamin Franklin and American Foreign Policy Gerald Stourzh
Jack Miller Center
39 Benjamin Franklin and Jonathan Edwards Ranker
40 Benjamin Franklin and the American Character Charles L. Sanford Questia
41 Benjamin Franklin on balloons Ranker
42 Benjamin Franklin: Autobiography, Poor Richard, and Later Writings J. A. Leo Lemay
Jack Miller Center
43 Benjamin Franklin: His Contribution to the American Tradition I. Bernard Cohen Questia
44 Benjamin Franklin: Silence Dogood, the Busy-Body, and Early Writings J. A. Leo Lemay
Jack Miller Center
45 Benjamin Franklin’s autobiographical writings Ranker
46 Benjamin Franklin’s Experiments Ranker
47 Benjamin Franklin’s Humor Paulm Zall Questia
48 Benjamin Franklin’s own story Ranker
49 Benjamin Franklin’s Printing Network: Disseminating Virtue in Early America Ralph Frasca Questia
Benjamin Franklin’s Proposals for the education of youth in Pennsylvania, 1749
51 Bite-size Ben Franklin Ranker
52 Book of Ages: The Life and Opinions of Jane Franklin Jill Lepore Patheos
53 Books of American Wisdom Boxed Set Ranker
Christian Experience Or, Sincerity Seeking The Way To Heaven
55 Collected Works Of Benjamin Franklin Ranker
56 Compleated Autobiography by Benjamin Franklin Ranker
57 Complete Works Ranker
58 Conseils pour s’enrichir Ranker
Cool Thoughts On The Present Situation Of Our Public Affairs
60 Critical Essays on Benjamin Franklin Melvin H. Buxbaum
Jack Miller Center
61 Draw the Lightning Down: Benjamin Franklin and Electrical Technology in the Age of Enlightenment Michael Brian Schiffer; Kacy L. Hollenback; Carrie L. Bell Questia
Early to bed, and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise, or, Early rising, a natural, social, and religious duty
63 Essays And Letters V1 Ranker
64 Essential Writings Of Benjamin Franklin Ranker
Experiments and observations on electricity, made at Philadelphia in America
66 Experiments in Electricity Ranker
67 Facetiæ Frankliana. [sic] Ranker
Father Abraham’s speech to a great number of people, at a vendue of merchant-goods
69 Founding Fathers Benjamin Franklin Volume 2 Ranker
70 Franklin was there Ranker
71 Franklin’s boyhood in Boston Ranker
72 Franklin’s Way to wealth, or, “Poor Richard improved” Ranker
73 General Benjamin Franklin: The Military Career of a Philosopher J. Bennett Nolan Questia
74 How Ben Franklin Stole the Lightning Rosalyn Schanzer
Best Childrens Books
75 John, Paul, George and Ben Lane Smith
Best Childrens Books
76 Mr. Franklin: A Selection from His Personal Letters Benjamin Franklin; Whitfield J. Bell Jr.; Leonard W. Labaree Questia
77 Poor Richard’s Almanack Owlcation
78 Reappraising Benjamin Franklin
Jack Miller Center
79 The Amazing Life of Benjamin Franklin James Cross Giblin
Best Childrens Books
80 The Americanization of Benjamin Franklin Gordon Wood Patheos
81 The autobiography and other writings Ranker
82 The Ingenious Dr. Franklin: Selected Scientific Letters of Benjamin Franklin Benjamin Franklin; Nathan G. Goodman Questia
83 The Life of Benjamin Franklin J.A. Leo Lemay Patheos
84 The Papers of Benjamin Franklin Leonard W. Labaree
Jack Miller Center
85 The Private Franklin: The Man and His Family Claude-Anne Lopez; Eugenia W. Herbert Questia
86 The sayings of Poor Richard Ranker
The Thinking Revolutionary: Principle and Practice in the New Republic
Jack Miller Center
88 The Way to Wealth Owlcation
89 What’s the Big Idea, Ben Franklin? Jean Fritz
Best Childrens Books
90 Who Was Ben Franklin? Dennis Fradin
Best Childrens Books

8 Best Learn More About Benjamin Franklin Book Sources/Lists

Source Article
Best Childrens Books Benjamin Franklin Biography for Kids
NY Times Benjamin Franklin Books
Owlcation Five Benjamin Franklin Books With Encouragement and Inspiration
Patheos Top Five Books on Benjamin Franklin
Questia Benjamin Franklin
Quora What is the best book to read on Benjamin Franklin?
Ranker Benjamin Franklin – Books/Stories/Written Works


A.M. Anderson

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A.M. Anderson

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